In the morning of Wednesday, September 21, 2022, H.E. SOK Dara, Director General of the Trust Regulator (TR), together with H.E. SOU Socheat, Delegate of Royal Government in Charge as Director General of the Securities and Exchange Regulator of Cambodia (SERC) and Mr. KIM KYEONGHACK, Vice Chairman and Chief Operations Officer of Cambodia Securities Exchange (CSX) presided over training program on “Collective Investment Scheme and Exchange Traded Funds-ETFs.”
The training program was presented by the specialists in the sector from JB ASSET MANAGEMENT Company, led by Mr. Choi, Won-Chol CEO of JB ASSET MANAGEMENT Company from the Republic of Korea, and participated by the management and staff of companies getting licenses in the securities sector as well as trust sector.
We are delighted to be a part of this critical training. After listening to the above presentation, which the experts explained well, we have learned so much about this sector, and we believe that this sector will significantly impact the development of the Cambodian economy.