
Stronghold Trustee was invited to give a speech for partnership reception between La Maison Plaza and Juwai IQI

La Maison Plaza and Juwai IQI cooperate on project sales for the international market Cambodia Investment Review Source:https://cambodiainvestmentreview.com/2022/08/29/la-maison-plaza-and-juwai-iqi-cooperate-on-project-sales-for-the-international-market/ On the evening of August 27, La Maison Plaza hosted a partnership reception with the representative of Juwai IQI, one of the leading real estate firms providing real estate information and consultation

A Valuable Opportunity: Inviting Cambodia’s Trust Regulator Director Sok Dara and Stronghold Trustee Founder Kevin to Discuss Trust Law Sector and Opportunities on YouTube Channel

On 24 March 2023, Trust Regulator Director Sok Dara participated in an interview that explored the art of short storytelling. This interview presents a valuable opportunity to learn from His Excellency Sok Dara, Director General of the Trust Regulator, about the evolving Trust Law sector in Cambodia. H.E. Sok Dara




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